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"The delight I felt when Kamala Harris used the Tamil word 'Chitti' on National TV. The dismay when I realized how very elite and Tam-Brahm that video with Mindy Kaling felt."
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What is your voting plan?
I already voted!
In what ways, if any, have your feelings about America changed since the 2016 election?
I have lost faith in the American project as being self-correcting and capable of protecting and advancing humane laws. I now see that America is as vulnerable as India to corruption, authoritarianism, and the scapegoating of minorities.

How have the last four years impacted you personally?
I fear for my son and his partner, who live in Colorado. I live in Canada now and I'm guilty about feeling grateful for that! The pandemic has only compounded my worry for the future.

What is something about the 2020 election cycle that you want to be sure we remember in the future?
The surreal nature of the so-called debates. The absurdity of having a man in office who is clearly incapable of rising to the job, falling into it, or even accidentally doing the right thing on any given day. The delight I felt when Kamala Harris used the Tamil word "Chitti" on National TV. The dismay when I realized how very elite and Tam-Brahm that video with Mindy Kaling felt.

What are you most hopeful about for 2021 and beyond?
Hopeful? No, I'm desperate. For the long upward journey from out of this hellhole. Rejoining the Paris Accord. Salvaging the Iran Nuclear deal. Restoring relations with allies. Putting the brakes on carbon emissions, restoring limits on polluting industry. Getting cronyism and corruption out of the executive branch. I fear we may not recover for decades.

What is your voting plan?

I already voted!