Thursday, November 11, 2021 @ 1:00PM EST

Audience Engagement for Community Archives

Participant(s): Texas After Violence Project
SAADA and TAVP, with support from the Institute of Museum and Library Service (IMLS), present a workshop and interactive discussion about audience engagement strategies for community-based archives. Over the past year, SAADA and TAVP have explored how community-based archives can more actively engage specific audiences: K-12 and college educators, journalists, advocates, and community members. At this event we will share our findings and ask community-based archives practitioners to share strategies their organizations have used to engage specific audiences. Apply to share your community-based archives' audience engagement strategies in our lightning round! Participants organizations will receive a $100 stipend for a 3-4 minute presentation. The event will also feature an introductory training on Learning Management Systems for community-based archives. Join us to also hear about the next steps for the Community Archives Collaborative!