"Cite 2 phone calls, meeting in U.S. indictment of Ahmed"
Newspaper clipping from the January 19, 1971 edition of The Chicago Sun-Times stating that two phone calls and a meeting with a co-defendant were cited by a grand jury in its indictment of Eqbal Ahmad, an eminent scholar and anti-war activist accused of plotting to kidnap Secretary of State Henry Kissinger along with five other co-conspirators.
"Vietnam and the Truth"
In a letter to the editor published in the January 17, 1971 edition of The New York Times, Republican National Committee Publications Director John D. Lofton, Jr.
"Alleged conspirator to speak"
Newspaper clipping from the April 22, 1971 edition of the Seattle University Spectator advertising a talk by Eqbal Ahmad, scholar and anti-war activist indicted for conspiring to kidnap Presidential adviser Henry Kissinger, in Pigott Auditorium at Seattle University.
"Eqbal Ahmad Will Speak In Cafeteria"
Newspaper clipping from April 23, 1971. The article announces that Eqbal Ahmad, scholar and anti-war activist indicted for conspiring to kidnap Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, will speak on “Domestic Counter-Insurgency” on April 26, 1971 in the Bellevue Community College cafeteria.
"Member of Harrisburg Six to speak after peace fast"
Newspaper clipping from March 1971 titled "Member of Harrisburg Six to speak after peace fast." Eqbal Ahmad, one of six anti-war activists indicted for allegedly conspiring to kidnap Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, would speak at a potluck supper to conclude a four-day rice-and-beans fast commemorating the death of Martin Luther King, Jr.
"In pursuit of the White House"
Newspaper clipping from the April 30, 1971 edition of The Seattle Times announcing an interview Eqbal Ahmad, scholar and anti-war activist indicted in plot to kidnap Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, on Five Sides Sunday.
"FBI actions limit American liberties"
Newspaper clipping of an article titled “FBI actions limit American liberties” by Dennis Ryerson. Eqbal Ahmad, scholar and anti-war activist indicted for conspiring to kidnap Presidential adviser Henry Kissinger, said that the actions of the FBI reflected a growing limitation on civil liberties in the United States during a talk at the University of Northern Iowa Controversial Speakers Program.
Letter from U.A.R. Students in the U.S. & Canada to Eqbal Ahmad
Letter dated February 24, 1971 addressed to Eqbal Ahmad, scholar and anti-war activist indicted for conspiring to kidnap Presidential adviser Henry Kissinger, from Arab students of the U.A.R. (United Arab Republic) in the United States and Canada expressing support for Ahmad and contributing a donation to his legal defense fund.
"Chicagoan is accused"
Newspaper clipping from the January 13, 1971 edition of The Chicago Sun-Times of an article describing the details of the arrest of Eqbal Ahmad, scholar and anti-war activist indicted for conspiring to kidnap Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
Berrigan-Ahmad Defense Committee
Copy of an information sheet for canvassers assembled by the Berrigan-Ahmad Defense Committee at Cornell University, where Eqbal Ahmad, scholar and anti-war activist indicted for plotting to kidnap Presidential adviser Henry Kissinger, had recently been a professor.