Article about Conference to Organize South Asian Activists
Article titled "A Whole 'Lotta' Shaking Going On" discussing the outcome of a conference devoted to organizing South Asian activists with approximately 140 activists in attendance.
S. Asian Groups Find Common Ground at Conference
Newspaper clipping from India Abroad by Monika Joshi entitled "S. Asian Groups Find Common Ground at Conference" and dated May 25, 2001. Discusses a May 12, 2001 conference at New York University called "Desis Organizing 2001", in which approximately 30 South Asian organizations (including SALGA, Sakhi, and SAAAC) participated.
CHRI's May Day slide show
Still image of a slideshow of photos taken at the May Day march on May 1, 2000, presented by the Coalition for the Human Rights of Immigrants.
Rally Demands Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants
Online article from India in New York by Suman Guha Mozumder entitled "Rally Demands Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants" and dated October 20, 2000. Reports on an October 14, 2000 rally in New York in favor of amnesty for undocumented immigrants, attended by approximately 30 groups under the umbrella of the South Asian Action and Advocacy Collective.
"Desis Seek Amnesty" article
Article on rally for undocumented immigrants rights organized by the Human Rights of Immigrants and the National Coalition for Dignity and Amnesty, and contributed to by SAAAC. SAAAC was key to encouraging the South Asian community to support the rally.