Take A Stand Against Homophobia, Sexism, And Class Bias
Flyer for a press conference/community education panel addressing the Federation of Indian Association's refusal to allow the South Asian Lesbian and Gay Association (SALGA) to participate in the 1997 India Day Parade. The event was held at the Brecht forum, and followed by an a protest organized by SALGA and the South Asian Progressive task force.
SALGA Celebrates Gay Pride in Queens
Flyer advertising "Queens Pride Day Parade" in Jackson Heights, Queens, organized by the South Asian Lesbian and Gay Association.
SALGA Newsletter
Newsletter for the South Asian Lesbian and Gay Association dated October 1994. The newsletter features an article by Priyamvada Sinha, which discusses the barring of the South Asian Lesbian and Gay Association from the Indian Day Parade.
Basic Facts about India
Pamphlet printed by the India League of America titled "Basic Facts About India." Contributors are listed as Anup Singh, H.W. Boulter, and Hemendra K. Rakhit, members of the Research Bureau of the India League. The pamphlet also includes a list of all the other pamphlets published by the India League of America.
A Report on the Memorial Meeting
Report on a meeting organized by the India League of America on February 7, 1948, held in honor of Gandhi, who was assassinated that January. The report contains excerpts from speeches by Sirdar J.J. Singh, Sheikh Mohammad Abdulla, M. Asaf Ali, Warren R. Austin, N.
Speech by Dr. Anup Singh at India League Mass Meeting
Speech given by Anup Singh at the India League Mass Meeting on August 9, 1943. Singh discusses political arrests of men and women activists for Indian freedom, and criticizes a recent article by Herbert Matthews in the New York Times, which discredits the Indian National Congress.
Speech by Dr. J. Henry Carpenter at India League Mass Meeting
Speech given by J. Henry Carpenter at the India League Mass Meeting on August 9, 1943. Carpenter discusses his experiences in India from the previous fall, the misconceptions from the U.S. of Indian social life, and the case for India's freedom.
Extracts of a speech by Louis Fischer at India League Mass Meeting
Report on a speech given by Louis Fischer at the India League Mass Meeting on August 9, 1943. Fischer argued for the decolonization of India, with special attention given to the war effort and steps that ought to be taken, including the release of Indian leaders. "It is time to realize," Fischer said, "that the white man can remain in the East as a friend but not as a master."
Speech by Mai-Mai Sze at India League Mass Meeting
Speech given by Mai-Mai Sze at the India League of America mass meeting on August 9, 1943. The speech covers the connections between India and China, and Sze argues "[w]hat happens in India today has its repercussions throughout the Far East."